
On-demand solutions to complement county  public transport

SEI Tallinn's mobility expert and RESPONSE Project Manager Merlin Rehema shares her opinions regarding the possibilities of demand-responsive transport being a good choice to complement public transport in rural areas.

It is high time to plan public transport based on people's needs and give new meaning to its role and nature. Now, when a recent Estonian National Audit Office report proposes weighing additional solutions next to regular bus lines in sparsely populated areas, is the time to think about transport on demand.

The nature of public transport needs to be modernized and adjust to new circumstances in terms of where people live, why they move about, as well as user expectations. Transport on demand does just that, proceeding from the need to get around, offering flexible solutions and considering people's wishes.

Just like Bolt and Uber operate based on demand in major cities, the same principle can be used in public transport by offering the possibility of having a public transport vehicle show up where and when needed, including in sparsely populated areas.

Read the full opinion article on the Estonian National Broadcasting (ERR) WEBPAGE.

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