
RESPONSE project partners met in Karlstad

Organisations involved in the demand-responsive transport project RESPONSE gathered in Karlstad, Sweden on 27-29 November 2019 for a two-day in depth discussion of the project’s progress and further steps.

A central element of RESPONSE project - the four pilots carried out by partners Kolumbus, Oppland County Council (OpplandsTraffik) and Ruter (all from Norway) as well as Värmlandstrafik (Sweden), were among the topics discussed, one of the pilots having recently started in the town of Nes, Norway. It was decided that an introduction about the pilots will be added on the website within this year.

Further discussions included the ongoing work regarding the digital maps regarding publicly funded public transportation, the handbooks on travel demand and cost prognostication as well as that of the needs of vulnerable groups using public transport. A strong focus in the discussion was also on the possible synergies and cooperation between the different elements of the project.

In addition to regular skype meetings, the project partners agreed to meet again in person in spring 2020 and to hold a mid-project consortium meeting in September 2020.

The RESPONSE partner meeting was kindly organised and hosted by Region Värmland (Karlstad, Sweden).

See the meeting photo gallery slideshow here below:

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